The Program

International Meeting Program 30 years of FIAT Coupe 2024

Friday 14 June

From the morning, for the crews already present in the hotel, it will be possible to visit the Sparco Showroom and make any purchases (max 10 cars at a time with times of approximately 2 hours)

                12.30 pm Lunch on your own

                02.30 pm Meeting at the Heritage Hub in Turin, Via Plava 80

                03.00 pm Parking and visit to Heritage Hub (about 2 hours) with Italian/English guide

Please note: Entry is not permitted to minors under 6 years of age and pets

                06.30 pm At the end of the visit return to the hotel

                08.00 pm Dinner on your own

Saturday 15 June

                08.30 am Departure for parking at Lingotto Park and subsequent visit to the Automobile Museum (MAuto)

                09.30 am Meeting at Lingotto Park in via Nizza 294 and transfer on foot to MAuto in Corso Unità d'Italia 40

               10.00 am Visit to MAuto (about 2 hours)

               12.30 pm Transfer to the city center by subway for lunch on your own and possible visits to museums

                         Egyptian: (approximately 2 hours) Cinema: (approximately 2.5 hours)

                         Palazzo Madama (about 1.5 hours)

                         Risorgimento (about 90 min)

                         Royal Museums: Royal Palace and apartments, Royal Armory and Shroud Chapel, etc. (about 3 hours)

  Return to the hotel, at a suitable time to be able to participate in the delivery of gadgets and the Gala dinner

                07.00 pm Start of delivery of gadgets to the participants of the meeting in the B&B Hotel in Borgaro Torinese in

                          Via Lanzo 163

                08.00 pm Gala dinner in the B&B Hotel in Borgaro Torinese in Via Lanzo 163

Sunday 16 June

                08.45 am Meeting in the Corso Regina Margherita side street (in front of the Fire Brigade headquarters)

                09.00 am Departure from Corso Regina Margherita for display  in the city center in Piazza Castello with

                          Local Police escort

                10.00 am Display of cars in Piazza Castello

                10.30 am Free visit to the city of Turin

                12.00 am Departure from Piazza Castello for a tour of the city center and then for Santena, the museum house

                          of Conte di Cavour for lunch and visit to the museum and park

                01.00 pm Lunch in the rooms of the annex of the Count of Cavour's house

                04.30 pm Start of visits to the museum with Italian/English guide (about 30 min)

                06.00 pm Greetings to the departing crews

                06.30 pm Departure from Santena and return to the hotel 

                08.00 pm Dinner on your own

Monday 17 June

During the morning it will be possible to visit the Sparco Showroom and make any purchases (max 10 cars at a time with times of approximately 2 hours)

                01.30 pm Lunch on your own

Greetings to the last departing crews

The Program may undergo variations due to force majeure or provisions of the competent authorities.

Meeting Type and costs:

Meeting Type A: From Friday to Monday; costs all included with the exclusion of the hotel, lunch and dinner on Friday,  

                             lunch and any museum visits on Saturday, Sunday dinner and lunch on Monday.

Driver only cost                          €258,00

Cost of driver and 1 passenger  €398,00

Cost of driver and 2 passengers €537,00

Cost of driver and 3 passengers €677,00

Meeting Type B: From Saturday to Monday; costs all included with the exclusion of the hotel, lunch and any museums

                             visits on Saturday, dinner on Sunday and lunch on Monday.

Driver only cost                          €233,00

Cost of driver and 1 passenger  €358,00

Cost of driver and 2 passengers €482,00

Cost of driver and 3 passengers €607,00

Meeting Type C: Only on Sundays; costs all included with the exclusion of the hotel and Sunday dinner.

Driver only cost                          €153,00

Cost of driver and 1 passenger  €220,00

Cost of driver and 2 passengers €287,00

Cost of driver and 3 passengers €354,00


It is possible to group multiple crews on the same car (for example if two coupe owners wanted to participate, but one of the two cars had problems).

In this case, if 2 crews (the first made up of 2 people and the second made up of 1 person) travel on a single car, they will be treated as if they were on 2 different cars (and therefore they will have 2 commemorative plates, 2 gadgets, etc).

When registering, the two crews will have to make two separate registrations, exactly as if they were traveling with different cars, each entering the license plate of their car.

The crew that will participate in the meeting as transported, when registering, must indicate in the vehicle notes field the license plate of the car that will actually be present at the meeting and with which they will travel.

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